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Ryan Burnaman

Superstar Consultant

(318) 613-1073

My Story

Hello Everyone!

Let me start by saying that I am fragrance junkie and a Disney adult. I joined Scentsy in September 2019 because I discovered they had BOTH of my favorite things rolled into one! It was a win-win for me. I didn’t join with ANY intention of building a team or making this a career. I only joined for the discounts and such. Little did I know that i would fall in love with how this company changed my life…

I was a bartender for 20 years. I hated going to work every day. It was time for a change. I am so grateful that Scentsy gave me an avenue to be able to quite my job and work for myself, LOVING what I do every single day. Being my own boss is the most amazing thing!

I've now been a Consultant for 2 years. Let me just tell you, YOU HAVE TIME to sell Scentsy. I mean, I can do it in my spare time and get paid for it! I love all the free items I get when I host parties. SCENTSY SELLS ITSELF. IT IS NOT ABOUT BEING A SALESPERSON. All I have to do is get some samples under someone's nose and they buy it! All I do is help them decide what bundle is best for their wants and needs. So far I've achieved Shooting Star, Star Consultant, and Scentsational Start Level 1. That was while working another full-time job! I also earned an all-expense paid trip to Disneyworld in June, courtesy of Scentsy! How awesome is that?!

Joining Scentsy was something I was reluctant about for quite some time, but I am so glad I did it. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made! I would love to tell you more about my journey and how you could start your own! Message me ANYTIME so we can chat!

What's warming in my home